Monday, June 18, 2007

End Islamic law! Freedom of religion now in Iran!

End Islamic law!
Freedom of religion now in Iran!
Sign the Petition for
Regime Change in Iran.

Sign the Petition to indict Ahmadinejad for incitement to commit genocide.


Time for the mullahs to go. The Islamic revolution was a failure and it is time to abandon it.

Time for Iran to replace Islamic law with democracy, free speech, and freedom of religion.

Demo, Berlin, Jan 2007, against Ahmadinejad's threat of an atomic holocaust of the Jews.
From here. Try here.

Persian / Iranian History

  • Iranian History (and here)

  • Jews in Iran have lived there for 2,000 years, since before there were any Muslims in Iran, indeed since before Islam was invented.
  • 11,000 to 40,000 Jews live in Iran today. "Iran remains home to the second-largest community of Jews in the Middle East - second only to Israel."

  • The Ayatollahs' Final Solution? by Andrew G. Bostom - The long history of persecution of Jews in Iran, with a break in 1925-79.
    • "The so-called "Khomeini revolution", which deposed [the] Shah, was in reality a mere return to oppressive Shi'ite theocratic rule, the predominant form of Persian/Iranian governance since 1502."

  • Reading the Holocaust Cartoons in Tehran, by Roya Hakakian, New York Times, September 2, 2006 - on her family's experience as Jews in Iran.
    • John Chambers: "'Reading the Holocaust Cartoons in Tehran' ... is one of the saddest articles I have read in a long time. ... Iran would not be the first society in which Jews were forced to keep their heads down and pray that the storm would pass, until it broke upon them. Nor would her father be the first to live in exile, wondering what had become of the country he once treasured."

The Iranian Revolution

Iranian dictators

  1. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (and here and here)
    • The medieval thug Ayatollah Khomeini and his followers enslaved Iran, established a religious state with no elections and no human rights, executed homosexuals, apostates and atheists, stoned to death adulterers and prostitutes, funded Islamist terror all over the Middle East, and issued violent threats against westerners like Salman Rushdie. Iran is still enslaved by Khomeini's ignorant followers today.

    • Ayatollah Khomeini says men can have sex with children:
      • Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini - "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is all right. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanent wives.".
      • Search for more.
      • Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships - "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed."

  2. The "moderate" and "reformist" Islamist terrorist dictator Mohammad Khatami, President of Iran 1997-2005.
    • Enemy leader Khatami visits America, Sept 2006:
      • Shamefully, this enemy thug was allowed visit the US in 2006. He should be arrested and put in Guantanamo Bay, not invited to speak at American universities. Shame on Harvard and the National Cathedral for inviting him. Shame on the Bush Administration for letting him in.
      • New York Sun Editorial, August 31, 2006: "Mr. Khatemi has been invited to speak on, of all things, "Ethics of Tolerance in the Age of Violence." The title insults the intelligence of all those who would attend. What in the world is a man who presided over the July 9, 1999, crackdown on Tehran University, where hundreds of students were arrested and tortured, doing speaking about "tolerance" at a university?"
      • Massachusetts Governor, Republican Mitt Romney, orders MA state government to decline support to Mohammed Khatami's 2006 visit. "State taxpayers should not be providing special treatment to an individual who supports violent jihad and the destruction of Israel. ... Khatami pretends to be a moderate, but he is not. My hope is that the United States will find and work with real voices of moderation inside Iran. But we will never make progress in the region if we deal with wolves in sheep's clothing."
      • Fury at Harvard. The university rabbi says: "This man has no place speaking at a place like Harvard. ... It is unfortunate that some people don't have the moral compass to condemn evil."
      • The Iranian dissident Amil Imani: "During this turbaned fascist's watch, many students' lives were extinguished for daring to express their opposition to the stone-age regime." "Women prisoners were often subjected to even greater indignities than men by being raped before being executed" - and Harvard feminists don't care.
      • Victims of Iranian regime file lawsuit against Khatami. Arrest the bastard. Don't let him leave the US!

  3. The dangerous fascist thug, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran since 2005.
    • The would-be Hitler, Ahmadinejad, denies the Holocaust happened, calls for the extermination of the Jews of Israel, and is trying to acquire nuclear weapons. America and Israel must attack and depose him sooner rather than later.
    • Ahmadinejad's Holocaust-denial conference, 2006.
    • A human being replies to Ahmadinejad.
    • The lying fascist thug Ahmadinejad, Feb 2007: "We are opposed to any proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons. We believe that the time is now over for nuke weapons. It is a time for logic, for rationality and for civilization. Instead of thinking of finding new weapons, we are trying to find new ways to love people."

Ayatollah Khomeini says Islam is not a religion of peace (also here):

  • "Islam is Not a Religion of Pacifists ... Islam's jihad is a struggle against idolatry, sexual deviation, plunder, repression, and cruelty. ... But those who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. All the countries conquered by Islam or to be conquered in the future will be marked for everlasting salvation. For they shall live under [God's law]."
  • "Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Does that mean that Muslim should sit back until they are devoured by [the unbelievers]? Islam says: Kill the [the non-Muslims], put them to the sword and scatter [their armies]. Does this mean sitting back until [non-Muslims] overcome us? Islam says: Kill in the service of Allah those who may want to kill you! Does this mean that we should surrender [to the enemy]? Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword!"
  • OK, that's fairly clear.


The Iranian Embassy

  • The Iranian Embassy in Ireland, 72 Mount Merrion Ave, Blackrock, Co.Dublin. - A desecration of a beautiful road in Dublin. A backward, medieval dictatorship desecrating a beautiful area of our city.

  • Other tyrants' embassies in Ireland:
    • China: 40 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
    • Russia: 184-186 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 14.
    • Pakistan: Ailesbury Villa, 1B Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
    • Egypt: 12 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

    • Cuba: 2 Adelaide Court, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2.
    • Palestinian Authority: 42 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2.

  • All these embassies should be shut down, and the diplomats expelled from Ireland.
  • Ireland should not have diplomatic relations with these places until they become free societies.

Human rights

Women's rights

  • Women's rights

  • International campaign for the defense of Women's Rights in Iran
  • Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation

  • Atefah Sahaaleh, a 16 year old girl, is hanged in public in Iran in 2004 (NOT 1404) for "crimes against chastity".
    • Cox and Forkum
    • Death and the maiden in Iran by Alasdair Palmer - "Amnesty International issued a statement expressing outrage at the execution .. but no British newspaper or television station has reported this. Why not? The two extremes of pro- and anti-Muslim sentiment in Britain are now united in not expecting even the most minimal ethical standards from Islamic countries such as Iran ... What would be headline news if it happened in America .. is, because it happens in an Islamic state, apparently too banal to count. That attitude guarantees that more children will suffer Atefeh's fate."
    • Someday - when every last trace of the thug Khomeini has been wiped clean from a free Iran - someday in free Iran there will be statues to martyrs like her.

Religious and press freedom

The Axis of Evil

Iran's nuclear weapons program

  • Nuclear weapons proliferation

  • Will Israel Save Us Again? by John Lewis - Will Israel bomb Iran's nuclear weapons development sites, as they did to Iraq's nuclear weapons program in 1981?
    • "Someone has to destroy the Iranian nuclear plants now."
    • "There is one thing that can save us. Tel Aviv will be Iran's first target. The life of every Israeli is on the line. The Israelis understand this fully. Perhaps Israel will again save us. Perhaps we will again be free-riders who benefit from Israel's defense of her self. ... Or perhaps we will do the proper thing, and destroy the greatest evil in the world ourselves, while we still can. This would be the thanks that Israel deserves, for saving us the last time."

  • Axis of Evil, Part Two by Charles Krauthammer - The US should do the job itself. "Iran will go nuclear during the next presidential term. ... All that stands between us and that is either revolution or preemptive strike."

  • Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, Barry R. Schneider, McNair Paper Number 41, May 1995
    • "Numerous preemptive counter-proliferation strikes have taken place since 1940. Allied air forces and special operations forces destroyed German nuclear facilities and heavy water supplies that were an integral part of the Nazi A-bomb research effort. U.S. bombers also destroyed the most important Japanese nuclear research laboratory in Tokyo at the end of WWII. Other raids include: Iran versus Iraq in 1980, Israel versus Iraq in 1981, Iraq versus Iran with seven raids from 1984 to 1988, and the U.S.-led coalition versus Iraq in 1991."

  • Iran in Iraq's Shadow: Dealing with Tehran's Nuclear Weapons Bid, Richard L. Russell, Parameters, Autumn 2004 - Should the US invade Iran?
    • "In the spring 2003 war, American and British forces accomplished in about a month what Iranian forces had failed to do in eight years of war with Iraq between 1980 and 1988. Tehran cannot fail to appreciate that Iranian conventional forces would have little chance of resisting a US military assault."
    • "American military superiority over Iran gives Washington a wide spectrum of military options for coercing Tehran [short of invasion]. ... An American air campaign mounted from regional support hubs in the small Gulf Arab states could make short work of Iran's air force and air defense forces to gain air superiority for attacks against Iran's nuclear infrastructure."

  • In a Single Night, Edward N. Luttwak, The Wall Street Journal, February 8, 2006 - Iran's nuclear weapons program could be stopped in one night. "it is enough to demolish a few critical installations to delay its program for years"

  • Bomb Iran, Joshua Muravchik, November 19, 2006 - Bomb Iran now, before it becomes powerful. "Russia was poor and weak in 1917 when Lenin took power, as was Germany in 1933 when Hitler came in. Neither, in the end, was able to defeat the United States, but each of them unleashed unimaginable suffering before they succumbed. ... After the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917, a single member of Britain's Cabinet, Winston Churchill, appealed for robust military intervention to crush the new regime. His colleagues weighed the costs — the loss of soldiers, international derision, revenge by Lenin — and rejected the idea. The costs were avoided, and instead the world was subjected to the greatest man-made calamities ever. Communism itself was to claim perhaps 100 million lives, and it also gave rise to fascism and Nazism, leading to World War II."
    • Muravchik argues against invasion, but rather bombing the nuclear weapons program. And repeating until they stop. "In time, if Tehran persisted, we might have to do it again."
    • If Bush does not do this, history will judge him a failure in this war: "If Ahmadinejad gets his finger on a nuclear trigger, everything Bush has done will be rendered hollow. We will be a lot less safe than we were when Bush took office."

Iran is ruled by vile anti-semites:

Iran calls for the genocide of the Jews of Israel, 2005. "Israel must be wiped off the map", said the unelected fascist thug, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

A call to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons was made by the unelected medieval thug, former President Ayatollah Rafsanjani in 2001.

After Iraq, Iran next

  • The Iranians' pro-Americanism worries Tehran by Afsané Bassir Pour
    • After Iraq, people in Iran want to be next: "We don't want any more Islamic Republic. It has taken us 25 years to realize that the revolution came to nothing. ... The Afghans and the Iraqis had their dictatorships taken away. So why not us?"
    • And a member of the regime: "Obviously, I'm afraid! Who wouldn't be afraid of an America armed to the teeth and which has shown in Iraq its total lack of respect for the sovereignty of nations? Yes, I am afraid." - These are stirring times.

  • Iran, Now by Pooya Dayanim
  • Shocking Silence by Andrew Sullivan - The people of Iran are fighting for freedom - and the left doesn't care.
  • Iran: Back the Freedom Fighters by Michael Ledeen
  • May the ayatollah go the way of Saddam by Mark Steyn

  • Conversation With Khomeini (The ayatollah's grandson) - "He refers as a matter of course to the work of the coalition forces in Iraq as a "liberation." He would prefer, he says, to live in Tehran, but he cannot consider doing so until there has been "liberation" in Iran also. ... "Talk of an Islamic state in Iraq is not very serious or very deeply rooted among the people. It is necessary for religion and politics to be separated. ... we have had 25 years of a failed Islamic revolution in Iran, and the people do not want an Islamic regime anymore." ... I asked him what he would like to see happen, and his reply this time was very terse and did not require any Quranic scriptural authority or explication. The best outcome, he thought, would be a very swift and immediate American invasion of Iran."
  • Ayatollah's grandson calls for US overthrow of Iran - However, he still claims that the 1979 revolution was somehow about "freedom and democracy".

Iran's support for the "resistance" in Iraq

  • The Iraqi post-war fascist "resistance"

  • The sectarian thug Muqtada al-Sadr.
  • The sectarian Shi'ite death squads, the Mahdi Army.
  • The Iran-backed Shi'ite militia, the Badr Organization.
  • Abu Deraa (see article), "the Shia Zarqawi", killer of thousands of innocent Sunni Iraqi civilians.
  • Sectarian war in Iraq

  • Iran's Proxy War - Iran's support for Sheik al-Sadr's Islamofascist "resistance" in Iraq, which wants to set up an Islamic fundamentalist state with no human rights, and which has no popular support.
  • Iran, Hezbollah support al-Sadr, April 07, 2004 - Iran understands the threat that a free, democratic Iraq would pose to their tyranny. - "Iran does not want a success in Iraq. A democratic Iraq is a death knell to the mullahs." To end this, it may be necessary to confront Iran.
  • Iran seems to be voting itself in as "Next" on the list in the War on Terror.

  • Finish It or Forget It, April 11, 2004 - Victor Davis Hanson on al-Sadr, Iran and the need for America to finish this.
    • "a baby-faced grotesque thug .. dressed up in a cleric's robes and backed by two or three thousand gangsters has .. pompously boasted about his promised imposition of Iranian-style theocracy upon 26 million other Iraqis. Forget that .. Iraqis had shown not much interest in his crackpot Shiite paradise on earth. Forget that this criminal was not a holy-man at all, but a murderer who shortly after the liberation of Iraq, had systematically put out hits on various rivals. Forget that he was a coward who was a mouse under Saddam's fascist police, and roared as a lion only after the Americans .. at the cost of their lives and treasure had freed him and his Chicago-style Costa Nostra. And forget that he was hardly a nationalist, but an Iranian toady who did the bidding of Teheran and wished to ruin southern Iraq in the same manner that his kindred self-appointed mullahs had wrecked Iran."
    • America must destroy al-Sadr's movement and finish the war: "There is a lesson in the saga of Sadr here that we really must relearn about this entire war. ... there is a law and a way to war over the ages that are unfortunately immutable, given that human nature is constant across time and space: namely that peace follows only from the defeat and humiliation of the culpable, not from magnanimity granted to impotent but still proud enemies."

  • The defeat of al-Sadr by Steven Den Beste, 8 July 2004. A few months after all the gloating headlines, "Al-Sadr is still loose, and he still has some supporters. But he took his best shot, failed utterly, and he won't get a second chance. He is now marginalized, little more than a leader of a criminal gang which once again rules over a couple of slums on the outskirts of Baghdad, a minor but tolerable pain waiting to be eliminated when the time is right."

  • No, Den Beste was wrong. Al-Sadr was allowed to survive, and so loads of people had to die again.
  • Misplaced Mercy by Ralph Peters, August 10, 2004 - "When will our nation's decision-makers, Republican or Democrat, figure out that there is no practical alternative to killing our deadly enemies? ... This column has said it before and will doubtless say it yet again: If we're unwilling to pay the butcher's bill up front, we'll pay it with compound interest in the end."
  • Ralph Peters is one of the few critics of the Bush administration that I actually respect. He is on their side and he wants them to win. That is why they should listen to his criticism and advice: "The neocons' unwillingness to go after Sadr early on, as soon as the cleric chose violence, was just a two-bit reprise of Bill Clinton's reluctance to kill Osama bin Laden when he had one chance after another. ... We should never send our military on any mission we only intend to prosecute half-heartedly."

Iran and Syria next

  • Why Syria thinks it can get away with backing the insurgency in Iraq, Dore Gold, January 7, 2005.
  • Syria and Iran next, says Victor Davis Hanson, interview posted January 10, 2005.

  • Wider War by Ralph Peters, 9 Apr 2004 - "Iran and Syria are at war with the United States. In Iraq. Now. Washington refuses to admit it."
    • "Iran, Syria and al Qaeda share one common goal: Preventing the emergence of a free Iraq. They want to stop democracy and social liberty dead in their tracks. And they're willing to throw in all their reserves to do it."
    • "We are fighting a great battle for human freedom. Its outcome may well shape this entire century."
    • "And as for those who declared so fervently .. that deposing Saddam and liberating Iraq was a diversion from the War on Terror, just look at who we're fighting now: Al Qaeda. Extremist militias. The Iranians. And the Syrians. The War on Terror is here and now. In Iraq."

  • Michael Ledeen
    • The war against terror can be won only if we have the will, by Michael Ledeen, 20 Aug 2003, is full of optimism after Iraq, if the West keeps going.
      • The Islamofascists of Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia are at war with: "anyone who tries to make Iraq a free and successful country. The terror masters know that they would not survive successful democratic revolution on their doorsteps, because their own people would demand their own freedom."
      • ".. we are engaged in a regional conflict with Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. Until the regimes of those countries surrender or are removed, we will be attacked"
    • The Iranian Hand: Regime change in Tehran is necessary for peace in Iraq
      • "Americans must understand that the war in Iraq is in reality a regional war which unites religious fanatics like the Iranians and radical secularists like the Syrians and Saddam's Iraqi supporters."
      • "The only way to end Tehran's continual sponsorship of terror is to bring about the demise of the present Iranian regime. And as it happens, we have an excellent opportunity to achieve this objective, without the direct use of military power against Iran. There is a critical mass of pro-democracy citizens there, who would like nothing more than to rid themselves of their oppressors. They need help, but they neither need nor desire to be liberated by force of arms. Above all, they want to hear our leaders state clearly and repeatedly - as Ronald Reagan did with the "Evil Empire" - that regime change in Iran is the goal of American policy."
    • Watersheds: We live in a time of democratic revolution, February 14, 2005 - "Revolution often comes from the barrel of a gun, but not always. Having demonstrated our military might, we must now employ our political artillery against the surviving terror masters. The great political battlefield in the Middle East is, as it has been all along, Iran ... When the murderous mullahs fall in Tehran, the terror network will splinter into its component parts, and the jihadist doctrine will be exposed as the embodiment of failed lies and misguided messianism. The instrument of their destruction is democratic revolution, not war"

  • The Road to Victory Goes Through Tehran by Robert W. Tracinski (May 20, 2003). - "President Bush called the military victory in Iraq "the turning of the tide" in the War on Terrorism. That may be true, but the tide won't stay with us - or carry us to victory - until we are willing to take the war to Tehran and topple the most important material and ideological supporter of Islamic terrorism."

Iran takes British hostages, Mar-Apr 2007

  • 2007 Iranian seizure of Royal Navy personnel - An act of war (as if Iran hasn't been at war with Britain in Iraq already).
    • Taking of hostages by Iran is not Britain's finest hour - Mark Steyn, April 1, 2007, on Britain's weak response: "Tony Blair is looking less like Margaret Thatcher and alarmingly like Jimmy Carter ... like the Americans, the British persist in trying to resolve real crises through pseudo-institutions. ... The U.N. will do nothing for men seized on a U.N.-sanctioned mission. The European Union will do nothing for its "European citizens." But if liberal transnationalism is a post-modern joke, it's not the only school of transnationalism out there. Iran's Islamic Revolution has been explicitly extraterritorial since the beginning: It has created and funded murderous proxies in Hezbollah, Hamas and both Shia and Sunni factions of the Iraq "insurgency." ... So we live today in a world of one-way sovereignty: American, British and Iraqi forces in Iraq respect the Syrian and Iranian borders; the Syrians and Iranians do not respect the Iraqi border."

  • Britain's weak response will only encourage Iran to keep pushing, and keep killing Britons in Iraq.
    • How Iran Probed, Found Weakness and Won a Triumph, John Bolton, April 9, 2007: "the incident was deliberate and strategic, not simply a frolic and detour by a zealous local commander. Snatching the hostages, whatever waters they were in, was a low-cost way of testing British and allied resolve. ... By day 13, Iran already had its final answer: not much of a reaction at all. ... That is the lesson for Iran: it probed and found weakness. Mr Ahmadi-Nejad, the president, can undertake equal or greater provocations, confident he need not fear a strong response. ... Emboldened as Iran now is, and ironically for engagement advocates, it is even less likely there will be a negotiated solution to the nuclear weapons issue, not that there was ever much chance of one. Iran, sensing weakness, has every incentive to ratchet up its nuclear weapons programme, increase its support to Hamas, Hizbollah and others and perpetrate even more serious terrorism in Iraq. The world will be a more dangerous place as a result."
    • Buoyant Teheran warns of further kidnappings, 8 Apr 2007. "Iran has got what it wants. They have secured free passage for smuggling weapons into Iraq without a fight"

    • Britain on its knees, Melanie Phillips, April 8, 2007 - "The British marine hostage saga is a debacle of the first order – a grim parable of the degraded state to which Britain has now descended ... Iran has been at war with the west for almost thirty years, but we have decided to ignore it. Iran has been a major factor behind the carnage in Iraq, but we have decided to ignore it. The Iranians now know from this debacle that they can make trouble for the west with impunity. They can take hostages, smuggle arms into Iraq, blow up British soldiers and even go nuclear — and no-one will do a damn thing to stop it."
    • Melanie Phillips is right about the big picture, but she is too hard on the hostages. Yes, their behaviour was grovelling and humiliating. But they were under imminent threat of rape, torture or execution at any moment. They were at the arbitrary mercy of a cruel and unaccountable eastern despotism with a long history of sadism and murder and contempt for human rights. You cannot blame anybody for what they do under such circumstances.

  • Britons seized by Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, May 2007.
  • Oddly enough, Britain's weak appeasement seems to have encouraged Iran to try again. Who could have predicted that?
  • How many Britons does Iran have to kill before Britain gets serious?

People of Iran, Syria and Lebanon, liberate yourselves

Democracy is born in Iraq, Jan 2005. Now let's see if it spreads.

First stop may be the liberation of Lebanon.

The Lebanon revolution, 2005

Democracy revolution in the Middle East

  • The Arabs' Berlin Wall has crumbled by Mark Steyn, 1 Mar 2005.
    • "Three years ago, those of us in favour of destabilising the Middle East didn't have to be far-sighted geniuses: it was a win/win proposition. As Sam Goldwyn said, I'm sick of the old cliches, bring me some new cliches. The old cliches - Pan-Arabism, Baathism, Islamism, Arafatism - brought us the sewer that led to September 11. The new cliches could hardly be worse. Even if the old thug-for-life had merely been replaced by a new thug-for-life, the latter would come to power in the wake of the cautionary tale of the former."
    • "But some of us - notably US deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz - thought things would go a lot better than that. Wolfowitz was right, and so was Bush, and the Left, who were wrong about the Berlin Wall, were wrong again, the only difference being that this time they were joined in the dunce's corner of history by far too many British Tories."

  • The Arab Street rises up - "One repeated, crucial claim of the anti-war advocates was that US military action in Iraq would infuriate the "Arab Street," presumably by giving radicals a recruiting tool, and/or causing worse hatred of the U.S. among otherwise passive Arabs and Muslims. .... In case no Leftist has noticed, as the sun sets on February 2005, there are some early and compelling signs that what the "Arab Street" really wants is .... democracy. Gasp !!!"
  • Three Cheers for the Bush Doctrine by Charles Krauthammer
    • "Turns out, the critics, liberal and "realist," got the Arab street wrong. In Iraq and Lebanon, the Arab street finally got to speak, and mirabile dictu, it speaks of freedom and dignity. It does not bay for American blood. On the contrary, its leaders now openly point to the American example and American intervention as having provided the opening for this first tentative venture in freedom."
    • "This is not to say that this spring cannot be extinguished. Of course it can. ... But it has yielded one unmistakable verdict thus far: the idea that Arabs are not fit for or inclined toward freedom - the underlying assumption of those who denounced, ridiculed and otherwise opposed the democracy project - is wrong. Embarrassingly, scandalously, blessedly wrong."

  • The Arabian spring, Sunday Times, March 06, 2005, quotes Hisham Kassem, publisher of Egypt Today: "History will do Bush justice after he has left the White House. With his advisers he is today the most unpopular American president ever in the Middle East. But he is really a man who did this region good. The Americans have done a wonderful job. It is because of their pressure that we have had this opening in Egypt. Criticising Mubarak was forbidden prior to the pressure they put on him."

  • Rats deserting the sinking ship:
    • If there really is a democratic revolution starting in the Middle East, we can expect to see leftists scrambling to pretend that they were always in favour of it. Just as, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, there was a mad scramble by leftists to pretend that they always opposed communism. Success has a thousand fathers, and, just as in 1989 leftists tried to deny that Ronald Reagan was responsible, so the modern leftists will try to pretend that this is nothing to do with Bush. It doesn't matter. What matters is that the Middle East gets its freedom.
    • Was Bush right after all?, The Independent, 08 March 2005. See cover. - After 3 and a half years of attacking America non-stop, and doing everything they could to prevent this day, The Independent starts to worry that they might be on the wrong side of history. Tip to The Independent: Yes, everything you've written for 3 and a half years is wrong. You need to start again. Sack Robert Fisk, and hire somebody who actually understands the Middle East.

  • Arabs get it! The Arab Street understands! - "Opinion Survey of the Arab Street 2005", by Al Arabiya, May 2005, shows that Arabs understand that the problem is the Arab world itself, not Israel:
    • "What is stalling development in the Arab world?" 81 percent said "Governments are unwilling to implement change and reform." Only 8 percent said "The ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict."
    • "What is the fastest way to achieve development in the Arab world?" 67 percent said "Ensuring the rule of law through justice and law enforcement." 23 percent said "Enhancing freedom of speech." Only 10 percent said "Resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict."
    • Maybe, just maybe - despite the sneers of Europe and the left - Arabs and Iranians are ready for democracy. What an exciting time.

The Iranian revolution must be ended before it is able to repeat what happened here.
Photo by Jochen Zimmermann. See terms of use.
See more images of Auschwitz here.

"We will never forgive our parents for having done this to us with their revolution"
- A young Iranian on his parents' generation of 1979 - who enslaved them all under Islamism.

"I very much resent it in the West when people from - maybe with all the good intentions or from a progressive point of view - keep telling me, "It's their culture." It's like telling people ... it's like saying, the culture of Massachusetts is burning witches. First of all, there are aspects of culture which are really reprehensible, and we should [all] fight against it. We shouldn't accept them. Second of all, women in Iran and in Saudi Arabia don't like to be stoned to death."
- Interview with female Iranian writer Azar Nafisi.

"I feel blessed to have been chosen by the people of Beverly Hills. As a Jewish youngster in Iran, I was a second-class citizen and kept running into closed doors. Through my example, I hope to open doors in America for other people like me."
- Iranian Jew, Jimmy Jamshid Delshad, on his election as Mayor of Beverly Hills, California, Mar 2007.
Could anything better symbolise the hope that America offers to oppressed peoples all over the world?
Will someday Iranian Jews ever have equal status in their own land?

Return to The unfree world.


Anonymous said...

The story about the plastic keys, popularized by the likes of Küntzel - of Hebrew University fame - is not true.

I served in the Iranian military during that time.

There were no plastic keys. No children were sent over minefields to clear them. No children were forced to go to the war.

I encourage all Iranian veterans to write about and publish their memoirs, so that the true story of the war gets told.


Anonymous said...

Say, "Fish".

You know who changed the immigration laws in the 60's, so that so many non-whites could immigrate?

(hint: Jews)


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