Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Yet Anorther Letter from a Frustrated Citizen...............

Yet Anorther Letter from a Frustrated Citizen...............
Current mood: sad
Category: Life

can you post this as a bulletin (you can reach more myspace people than I can)?

Below is the letter that I have sent to President Bush, my Senators and my US Representative. I urge you to email President Bush and your representatives in Washington urging them to vote down this bill. Copy and paste my letter fi you want or right your own, but let them know you are not in favor of rewarding criminals!

Here is the Presidents email: comments@whitehouse.gov
Here are the websites to find your represenatatives emails:

Amnesty is defined as "forgetting or overlooking of any past offense" or "an act of forgiveness for past offenses." This bill does just that. I am asking you to rethink your position on this piece of legislation.

Mr. President, you said this bill would "treat people with respect." What about the respect they showed for our laws? They came here illegally and that makes them criminals! What about the millions of people around the world who are trying to come to America legally (they follow the law; they apply for visas; they fill out the paperwork; they answer the questions; they study our language; and they wait). Once they are allowed to come into this country, they try to assimilate. These people are the ones who deserve respect, not the criminals who come here ILLEGALLY, work here ILLEGALLY, stay here ILLEGALLY and want a free ride courtesy of the American tax payer (YOUR constituents).

We need a bill that closes the border, and not only deports ALL ILLEGAL's, but forces Mexico to pay the bill!

President Reagan gave amnesty in the 80's and all it did was increase the number of illegal's coming to America. IF YOU REWARD BAD BEHAVIOR, YOU GET MORE BAD BEHAVIOR!

Again I am pleading with you to do what is right and best for America and it's citizens and not what is best for Mexico and it's citizens.

7:13 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Nevada Lights

And yet another:

RE: Contact Info to Take Action...

Will do. I ahve called and sent faxes to no avail and the fruits of my efforts have done nothing. I tell ya though nothing will work unless we take it to the streets. Americans need to take America back. Reid does not want a limit on "la Familia" he feels it is a hit against these hard working families. WE are talking about 100 million people here in less than five years. Rumor has it the Mexicans are bragging about defeating us and that the whole United states should be called "Nuevo" NEw Mexico. This coming from my american hispanic friends. Lovely! Bye America hola Mexico I am so angry.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Friday, May 18, 2007 at 7:17 AM
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Rush Limbaugh Fans United

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Hola Amigos!

If you didn't know this about me, I immigrated to the United States back in 1992. From the beginning, I was jumping through "EVERY HOOP REQUIRED". Did a physical, was fingerprinted, several times interviewed, had to fill out many documents, was photographed,...Once I get to see my agent, who could barely speak English himself, and whose went to the Rosie O'Donnel school of Charm, he told me my photos were not done right and I had to do the entire process again....:-(
The last step was to spend time with the INS. This time I get interviewed with a camera rolling. And I was grated citizenship.

Now I hear that President Bush, backed by insane Democrats and spineless Republicans, wants to just grant citizenship to everyone who is here illegally. I support immigration, but this is not the answer. As an "legal" immigrant, this makes me mad!!
For all the native born American this is a betrayel of your own government.

My suggestion:
First: set a specific maximum number of new citizens per year, from a diverse mix of countries and cultures.
Second: Reform the INS, because the current system is broken.
Three: Person here illegally need to leave willingly or deported to their country of origin until they are approved for citizenship.

Where were they in the great depression in the 30's when California was not doing so well?? Now that this country is up and running well they suddenly claim it is theirs again??? LOL
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Posted by Rush Limbaugh Fans United on Friday, May 18, 2007 at 10:51 AM
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