What Americans Need To Know About Jihad - TRUTH!
What Americans Need To Know About Jihad - TRUTH!
Current mood: awake
Category: Life
Some outstanding info from a sexy, sexy person! No, not me....someone else!!
This was forwarded to me, interesting & disturbing. And from that recent news on the Mickey Mouse look a like telling little kids to kill and martyr themselves on Palestine TV, I don't doubt it at all.
People forget that part of the problem is the Moslem leaders were on the side of the Germans in WW I and WW II, betting on the wrong side. Though it seems their leaders were aligned with the Nazi in their belief systems.
What Americans Need To Know About Jihad from
The LONG TERM goal of jihad is world domination – a global Islamic state under Islamic law.
Jihad is not, as some Western apologists claim, simply a striving for individual perfection. Rather, jihad is an expansionist totalitarian ideology that seeks to establish a global Islamic state ruled by Islamic law, or sharia. Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's chief henchman said in the summer of 2006: "Jihad seeks the liberation of Palestine, the entire country of Palestine and to liberate every land that used to be a territory of Islam, from Spain to Iraq."
The jihad's IMMEDIATE Objective is "Death to America."
"America," declared Al-Qaeda spokesman Suleiman Abu Gheith, "is the head of heresy in our modern world, and [as a result] . . . we have the right to kill 4 million Americans — 2 million of them children — and to exile twice as many and wound and cripple hundreds of thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and biological weapons." The Saudi Sheikh Nasser ibn Hamed gives an even higher figure for appropriate American deaths: "If a bomb was dropped on them [i.e. the Americans] that would annihilate 10 million and burn their lands to the same extent that they burned the Muslim lands – this is permissible…."
Jihad demands the killing of "infidels" or their subjugation under Islamic law.
Since the time of the Prophet Muhammad jihad has offered three choices to the non-Muslim: conversion to Islam, submission under Islamic rule, or death. One manual of Islamic law states that if "the infidels" do not convert, "it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them."
The jihad kills women.
Jihadis believe, among other things, that women are inferior to men, and must be ruled by them; that a son's inheritance should be twice the size of that of a daughter; that a husband should beat a disobedient wife; that adulterous or lewd women can be eliminated in "honor killings.".
Jihad calls for the extermination of the Jews.
In a Friday sermon in Gaza that was broadcast live on official Palestinian Authority television, Sheikh Ahmad Abu Halabiya summed up jihadis' attitudes toward the Jews: "Have no mercy on [them], no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them…"
Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hizballah, takes the anti Semitism of jihad a step further, calling Jews "grandsons of apes and pigs" and cautioning that they are "a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment."
Just before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Afghanistan's Taliban regime punished two men convicted of homosexuality. The Taliban's Islamic jurists had no doubt that death was the proper punishment. The only question was how to carry out the execution. One group of scholars believed that the homosexuals should be taken to the top of the highest building in the city, and hurled to their deaths. The other recommended that a pit be dug near a wall somewhere, the two men put in it, and the wall toppled so that they were buried alive.
The jihad is not about American policy towards Israel or about israel's policy towards the palestinians.
Many, particularly on the American Left, believe that if the U.S. decreases its support for Israel, and if Israel surrenders further territory, jihad violence will cease. This is as naïve as it is untrue. The Muslim Brotherhood, for instance, the first modern Islamic terrorist organization and the direct ancestor of Hamas and Al-Qaeda, was founded in 1928 – twenty years before the founding of the State of Israel
Mahmoud Zahar, the Hamas Foreign Minister, says: "Even if the U.S. gave us all its money in return for recognizing Israel and giving up one inch of Palestine, we would never do so even if this costs us our lives."
The jihad is not the result of Islamists' current grievances about Afghanistan, Iraq or other hotspots in the Middle East.
The international media focus on conflict in Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan, but the jihad continues in a lower key and largely out of sight on a daily basis in places such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Chechnya, the Balkans, and Nigeria, to say nothing of the "soft jihad" being waged in Europe.
There is nowhere in the world where one can escape the jihad. Wherever Muslims are found, which is in almost every country on the planet, there are adherents of the ideology of jihad.
The jihad subverts democratic institutions.
Jihadis in Europe have been forthright about their intentions. In England, for instance, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, has said that the transformation of Britain into an Islamic state could come about by means of an "invasion [from] without." But if this doesn't happen, Bakri says that jihadis will convert the West to Islam "through ideological invasion …"
On September 11th 2001 America suffered the worst and bloodiest attack in its history. Nearly 3,000 innocent civilians were brutally murdered in the unprovoked assault. They were murdered because they lived, worked and prospered in America, the world's beacon of liberty and the guardian its freedoms.
Their murderers were a cadre of Islamic terrorists who were part of a vast global network of religious fanatics who have declared Holy War on the United States and the West and, as part of their Jihad, pronounced a death sentence on every man, woman and child living in our borders. With the potential for mass destruction made possible with modern technology, this Jihad confronts us with a threat our civilization has never before known.
This threat did not begin with 9/11. The 1990's were marked by a series of Islamic terror attacks against the United States. The response of our elected officials was mainly passive in the face of these attacks. Missiles were launched into Afghanistan and Iraq by the Clinton Administration but to little effect and not as part of a sustained response. Neither the American public nor our military forces on the ground were mobilized or engaged. Our government remained inert as the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole were bombed. The threat grew; terrorists were trained, deployed and then organized into cells that stretched across Europe and the United States. The result was a catastrophic attack on the very same building, the World Trade Center, that had been attacked by the jihadis eight years earlier in 1993.
1 http://www.terrorismawareness.org/about/
Radical Islam
While professing unwavering faith in a transcendent deity, radical Islam also presents itself as a militant, politically activist ideology whose ultimate goal is to create a worldwide community, or caliphate, of Muslim believers. Determined to achieve this new world order by any means necessary, including violence and mass murder, radical Islam is characterized by its contempt for the beliefs, practices, and symbols of other religious traditions. This intolerant, condemning creed serves as the ideological justification that contemporary Islamic terrorists cite for their actions.
Radical Islam's kinship with terrorism, and its willingness to use violence as a means to its ultimate ends, is clearly spelled out in a training manual produced by the radical Islamist terror group al Qaeda, whose operatives carried out the 9/11 attacks. Noting that among al Qaeda's "long-term goals" is "the establishment of an Islamic state," this publication candidly says that an "Islamic government would never be established except by the bomb and rifle. Islam does not coincide or make a truce with unbelief, but rather confronts it. The confrontation that Islam calls for with these godless and apostate regimes, does not know Socratic debates, Platonic ideals nor Aristotelian diplomacy. But it knows the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing, and destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun. The young came to prepare themselves for Jihad [holy war], commanded by the majestic Allah's order in the holy Koran."
Jihad (sacred war) against non-believers is a concept central to Islam. For radical Islam in particular, jihad is a historically violent phenomenon that has visited misery and death on non-Muslims for many centuries. As Middle East Forum director Daniel Pipes explains, "The way the jihadists understand the term is in keeping with its usage through fourteen centuries of Islamic history. . . . The goal is boldly offensive, and its ultimate intent is nothing less than to achieve Muslim dominion over the entire world. . . . Jihad in the sense of territorial expansion has always been a central aspect of Muslim life. . . . Today, jihad is the world's foremost source of terrorism, inspiring a worldwide campaign of violence by self-proclaimed jihadist groups."
Scholar of Middle East affairs Martin Kramer elaborates further on the goals of radical Islamists: "The idea is simple: Islam must have power in this world. It is the true religion—the religion of God—and its truth is manifest in its power. When Muslims believed, they were powerful. Their power has been lost in modern times because Islam has been abandoned by many Muslims, who have reverted to the condition that preceded God's revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. But if Muslims now return to the original Islam, they can preserve and even restore their power. That return, to be effective, must be comprehensive; Islam provides the one and only solution to all questions in this world, from public policy to private conduct. It is not merely a religion, in the Western sense of a system of belief in God. It possesses an immutable law, revealed by God, that deals with every aspect of life, and it is an ideology, a complete system of belief about the organization of the state and the world. This law and ideology can only be implemented through the establishment of a truly Islamic state, under the sovereignty of God. The empowerment of Islam, which is God's plan for mankind, is a sacred end."
When trying to explain the Islamists' global campaign of conquest and mass murder, both liberals and conservatives assume that the Islamist holy war against the West revolves solely around Westerners themselves, around the moral drama of their goodness or their wickedness, rather than having something to do with Islam itself. For example, people on the anti-war left believe that al Qaeda attacked the U.S. because it is imperialist, racist, or insufficiently responsive to the needs of the Third-World poor. By contrast, the pro-war right (including President Bush) maintains that the Islamists hate Americans for their freedoms, opportunities, and overall success as a society. In other words, the left believes that the Islamists hate Americans for their sins, and the right believes that the Islamists hate Americans for their virtues.
A very different perspective on the Islamist mindset is offered by Mary Habeck, a military historian at Yale University. Habeck holds that radical Muslims base their war against non-Moslems on the Islamic sacred writings, particularly the Sira, which, unlike the Koran, tells the story of the Prophet Muhammed's life in chronological sequence. Using Muhammed as their model, the jihadists think and act within paradigms provided by the stages of Muhammed's political and military career. According to Habeck, this internally driven logic of Islam, and not any particular provocation, real or imagined, by some outside power, is the key to understanding why the jihadists do what they do. While specific actions by the West might provoke the jihadists to greater attacks, their fundamental strategic and military decisions are not determined by anything done by the United States, Europe, or any other perceived enemy of Islam, but rather by tenets within Islam itself that call for the killing of the foes of Allah.
The term "Islamofascism," which is often used to describe the ideology of today's radical Islamists, was introduced by the French writer Maxime Rodinson to describe the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79. She wrote:
"A quick review of ideology is in order. ... No other type of ideology, (democracy, communism, or despotism) matches what our enemy stands for as does the ideology of fascism. Islamofascism is the Islamic jihadist ideology grafted onto the totalitarian dictatorial system of fascism where the goals of Islam are more important than that of the individual. It seeks to re-create a mythical past, glorification of war, violence, intimidation, belligerency, superiority over non-believers, anti-Semitism and anti-liberalism are all components of this ideology. ... The pairing of the two words "Islamic" and "fascism" conveys a precise message: the old fascism is back, but driven by a radical fundamentalist creed of Islam. Who are the Islamofascists? They are the practitioners of militant Islam. Militant Islam contains elements of terrorism, religious fundamentalism, and the exploitation of social and economic injustice. It has ideological fervor, it has global reach, it is ambitious and it has staying power. They seek to re-create the Caliphate that once existed from southern France, to the gates of Vienna, to the plains of India, the steppes of Russia and western China -- and then once regaining that, beyond. Islamofascism is now a global threat because certain Arab and Muslim governments have chosen to export it."
Radical Islamists tend to gravitate toward any of three major methods of achieving their ultimate objective. The first method is to fight the Near Enemy prior to fighting the Far Enemy. The Near Enemy is anyone inside Islamic lands, whether it is an occupier or someone who has taken away territory that used to be Islamic. The second method is to fight the Greater Unbelief—the major enemy, which today is the United States—before the Lesser Unbelief. And the third method is to fight the Apostates (false Muslims) first, and then the other Unbelievers. Each of these three traditions stresses the overriding importance of conquering infidels; they differ only in how they prioritize the deeds necessary to achieve that conquest. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/guideDesc.asp?catid=107&type=issue
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