My Proposal to Stop Uncle Sam in His Tracks !!!
Current mood:
Category: Life
First - We all withdraw every dollar we have from bank accounts, credit cards, loan centers, etc.etc......any way you can get money! INVEST IN GOLD!!
Secondly - we ALL refuse to pay our taxes, our mortgages, our credit cards and any other bills, except electricity, gas, water don't need to pay your trash bill either!
Third - we ALL go to Washington DC and we dump our trash on the lawns of the White House! Piles and piles of trash!!!
They expect you and me to live in filth with the trash that they demand stays in this Country then we will see how THEY like it!
They want to support rogue hippies, let's give them rogue hippies!!
They haven't seen the definition of hippie until Republicans go bad!!!
It's clear that nothing less than a Revolution is going to change the direction of this Nation!
I read in a friend's blog where the Chinese have shot a satellite out while it orbited the Earth - while we sit over here fighting for basic Human Rights from our OWN Government, the Chinese are shooting missiles into the atmosphere and HITTING targets!!
We are lacking focus, we are being sold out by a bunch of GREEDY politicians and we are losing the race for greatness! We are told that science doesn't matter, self-defense doesn't matter, we're force fed small-minded topics such as global warming, mercury laden light bulbs, recycling and abortion when there is a much greater threat out there - and that would be OTHER Human Beings!!!
Who gives a fuck about global warming if we're all dead from a bomb?? Do you think the Chinese or Muslims are going to stand on our ashes and worry about global warming????
If anyone defeats Muslim terrorists it's going to be the Chinese, they won't pussy foot around like the Ted Kennedy's and the Harry gReids - but whether the United States survives such an ordeal, I don't know! We're being led by spineless pussies that don't even add up to being PEOPLE - much less meeting the requirement of being "enlightened" people qualified to lead a Nation!!
Donald Trump could be a better President than the one we have now! Donald Trump could be a better ANYTHING than we have now!
So could any number of other people!
Why wasn't that big eared guy - Ross Perot voted in?? He offered to work for FREE and he built multi-million dollar companies! So he was untraditional but so what??? Americans are too picky about superficial things! The results are what matter!! The end result that effects ALL of us is what matters!!!
The end result that effects ALL of us is what matters! The superficial shit means nothing!
For fucks sake - date someone who might be considered "ugly" because you just might be surprised!!!
If you all saw a picture of my ex boyfriend you'd ask me what I was thinking - well, he turned out to be a huge mistake but it wasn't because he was was because he was a butthole!
Come on folks - lets look at how silly our Government has become....where is the respect for US - you and me???
It's all but gone!!!
I say, if they pass this illegal immigration amnesty thing - we should go on the war path!!! We must protect the VALUES of The United States - let's give people of VALUE a reason to come here again......
Cheap labor makes a few people rich while bringing down the Nation - but making progress in the science arena, encouraging people who THINK to come to The United States seals our success for many generations!
I know something - I know of something that I'm betting hasn't even been thought of yet - it's a new way to process energy and it would change everything we know and do today! Fuck these stupid little light bulbs that do nothing really! It's like putting new Perelli tires on a Model T car!
I would happily give up what I know today - right here in this blog - if I had Faith in my Government....but I don't!
That why I write to my fellow Citizens for support to ensure that we make the right decisions. Defend us - defend ourselves - defend the Nation!
Anything I invent goes to The United States - not to the highest bidder!
Lest I will die with it.
Love to all of you!
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