Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Letter to Presidente Bush

My Letter to Presidente Bush
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 08:00:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Presidente Bush
To: comments@whitehouse.gov

Hello GW,
I know you claim to be a Christian and all that but I just have to tell you that you are turning out to be the BIGGEST disappointment in all of American history!!

You're a liar, you sell out the American People and you are just helping advance a society that has come to the United States to rape it!

You are helping to stomp out People who are doing everything they can to hold their moral fabric together.....

You are helping to ensure the end of the United States of America!!!

Oh well, guess we can all get drunk, eat Government cheese and hit pinatas!!!


Way to go Mr. Presidente!!

~Samantha Hildreth


comments@whitehouse.gov wrote:

On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.

We appreciate hearing your views and welcome your suggestions.

Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

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