Monday, May 28, 2007

My Letter to the Las Vegas Review Journal

My Letter to the Las Vegas Review Journal
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

*Contact Name: A REPUBLICAN!!!!

Subject: Stupid Republicans

*Address: 123 Kiss My Ass Way

*City: Las Vegas BABY!

*State: NV *ZIP: 12345

*Contact Phone: 702-555-5555

*Contact Email:

*Letter Content
This is regarding the blatant LIES you printed on the Presidential candidates that you polled readers on!! You purposely left out certain candidates as choices in the poll and then printed those candidates as having ZERO VOTES!!!


You have no idea how many of us have passed what you have done along to others and how many people will know about this! The RJ will follow the same fate the New York Times is facing! You are fucking with the People of the United States of America and we are SICK TO DEATH of your liberal political slants on everything you print!! I will never, as long as I live, ever buy your paper and I will tell EVERYONE I know about what blatant liars you are!!!! NO ONE WANTS TO GET THEIR NEWS FROM A BASE OF LIARS! NO ONE!!!!!!

A U.S. Citizen who is tired of being sold out by assholes like you people!!

Thank you for submitting a Letter to the Editor. If you have any questions about your submission, please feel free to call Editorial Page Editor John Kerr at 702-383-0273 or e-mail

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Nevada Lights

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