Kennedy has a good laugh over amnesty (photo)
Kennedy has a good laugh over amnesty (photo)
Current mood: angry
Category: Life
Teddy Kennedy and the Senate Amnesty Gang are apparently having a hearty laugh at the expense of the American people over their back-room amnesty plan. Here Teddy and his friends, Lindsey Graham and Mel Martinez are gleeful over this deal made behind closed doors to avoid public pressure and scrutiny.
Kennedy and his gang may have ignited a grassroots uprising with their secretive amnesty plan. Grassroots Americans are outraged. Within hours, Grassfire team members have already scheduled tens of thousands of faxes and made countless phone calls. Petitions are pouring in. Our team members are reporting that Senate phone lines are jammed!
Samantha, this is precisely what we need. Only a massive grassroots uprising can stop amnesty.
Action #1 -- Please schedule your faxes.
My staff tells me you have not yet scheduled your faxes to the Senate to stop amnesty. We need thousands upon thousands more faxes. Our service makes the entire process quite easy.
Please click here to schedule your faxes
(or paste this url in your web browser)
Action #2 -- Forward to your friends
We're delivering petitions next week. Ask your friends to
go here to sign the petition and be included in the delivery:
(or paste this url in your web browser)
Action #3 -- Get informed and connected
Let's be clear -- this is 100% amnesty.
Twelve-to-twenty million illegal aliens get legal status immediately. The so-called border security "triggers" come AFTER illegals are given amnesty. Illegals get benefits. Illegals get a path to citizenship. And it will get worse as the bill is amended next week.
Here are some resources to keep you informed:
Grassfire's Briefing/Talking Points on the amnesty bill press release
Key Senators fax and phone numbers
Citizen feedback
Your Senators:
Sen. Ensign (202) 224-6244
Sen. Reid (202) 224-3542
I'm not giving up and neither should you! We're going to flood their offices with calls and faxes. We're taking petitions to the Senate next week. We are going to fight this bill every step of the way.
Thanks for the stand you are taking!
Steve Elliott, Grassfire
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