Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Current mood: worried
Category: Life

Have you people seen this video that Swoose left on my page about POLICE busting into people's HOMES and taking their GUNS AWAY FROM THEM?????

The ONLY defense Citizens of the United States have over themselves is their GUNS!! With no gun, you are not your own army!

Police attacking little old ladies over guns??

Police tracking people and systematically TAKING private property such as guns and homes????

Do you all realize the implications of ANY Government, State or Local entity TAKING the guns of law abiding citizens???? PAID FOR PROPERTY CONFISCATED BY THE GOVERNMENT??

Now tell me.....tell me that you can't see how the Government has overlooked GANGS and CRIMINALS in the streets and now USE THEM as excuses to take OUR GUNS AWAY...........

They have not only ALLOWED criminal activity in the Streets of U.S.A. but THEY ENDORSE IT!!!! And they use it as an excuse to take OUR guns away!!!! Our only self-defense against Government overthrow!!

You think the Government doesn't KNOW how pissed off the People are about what's going on in this great Nation?? Sure they do! And they know full well the Power of the People!!

Better brace yourselves folks! Some serious shit is gonna hit the fan.. Just like illegal immigrants are a perfect excuse to put bio-chips in all of us!!

If you think these comments are conspiratorial - check out the comments section of my page and see the facts for yourself.
Swoose left the comment.

This Country is on the edge of a Revolution! Make no mistake about that!! That is - if term "The United States of America" and "The Constitution of The United States" mean anything!!


7:53 PM - 4 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

Echo Eight Edgardo

I didn't see the video, but What Can I said from what you wrote? You said everything, they take away their guns, and then bring the oportunity to the criminals to do what their want do. That's Patetic! That is why I understand this Guns Control Law is stupid. The good citizens are unarmed and the criminals get their guns and weapon Ilegally (don't pay taxes for the guns, that's another issue) and their are armed in the streets killing and stealing. What an horror!

Posted by Echo Eight Edgardo on Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 8:28 PM
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Nevada Lights

I think crime has been promoted and allowed to run rampant in this Country for this VERY reason! And I think we have all been "stimulated" through TV not be extremists, not to be conspiracy theorists, etc.

I mean, we're certainly injected with fear through movies, etc., it seems perfectly logical that we would also be silenced through fear of looking like conspirators....

What a complete turn-around for Bush and other Republicans to attack the U.S. Citizens in this way!


We can start today to make a difference by telling everyone we know and meet~~

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 8:35 PM
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Yes, that's some scarey sh*t. It's funny (well, bad choice of words), how the good are always the ones that suffer from the actions of the bottom-dwelling slugs. This time, the good had their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS stripped away! I was here in BR, but I was prepaRED to have some little post Katrina low-life trying to take advantage of the situation.

Posted by Sir PATRIOT 2U on Sunday, May 20, 2007 at 5:56 AM
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Nevada Lights

It's crazy!! They are definitely systematically taking, taking, taking.......

Posted by Nevada Lights on Sunday, May 20, 2007 at 11:48 AM
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