Monday, May 28, 2007

First-Hand Account of Communists in Action in the U.S.A

First-Hand Account of Communists in Action in the U.S.A.
Current mood: irate
Category: Life

Here's an email I received from someone who LIVES in it, around it and has been openly told about it!

"Get this there was an illegal immigrant family across the street. OPenly illegal she told us that she had 5 properties 4 of which were being rented out to illegals. She purchased a half million dollar home in Summerlin on stated income. She told us that she gets special incentives because she is illegal to own homes and pays less than americans because the USA owes it to the illegals. This is not a joke"

My Reply to her:

When I first moved to town, I was going to rent a house and the guy that answered the phone could hardly speak English. He said him and his wife own 4 house! So I totally believe you!

When I was in Tahoe, I read in the paper where the Small Business Administration actually GOES to people living in subsidized housing (and who would that be?) and teaches them a skill, loans them the money, shows them how to get customers, teaches them how to complete necessary paperwork and GIVES them businesses. Who is in the picture? A mexican national!

Our Country has literally been infiltrated by communists who are fighting day and night to take this Country away from us and they are using OUR tax dollars to do it!

We better wake up, folks!!! And DO SOMETHING!!!!


11:58 PM - 4 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment

Ms. Maikaefer

by definition- communism is when a government, for the people by the people, controls all aspects of trade and owns all major and most minor industries and corporations.

however, tax dollars being put to use to aid those with less material wealth is more of a socialist concept. most local governments already take care of the parks and rubbish collection, and by national mandate run public schools. these, just like the small business promotion intiative is a socialist ideal.

america is not purely capitalist. pure capitalism is impossible wherever there is a government. capitalism requires an anarchist society. america is a mix of socialism and capitalism. canada, germany, france, and sweden are all wonderful examples of modern socialism.

i dont agree with illegal immigrants getting funding to start businesses here, but i thought you might like to get your definitions straight.

Posted by Ms. Maikaefer on Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 6:32 AM
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Nevada Lights

I basically ignore everything you say because I don't like your attitude....

Posted by Nevada Lights on Sunday, May 13, 2007 at 12:38 AM
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Ziplock - Path to Reading 2007

HER attitude is bad?

She was explaining to you what communism was, there was no undertone of any bigotry, hatred, or anything else aimed at you.

I think you really ignore what she says because A) Its right, and b) It would make you have to actually do a five second google search to find what you're actually thinking of, rather than "Communist".

Posted by Ziplock - Path to Reading 2007 on Monday, May 14, 2007 at 1:14 PM
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Nevada Lights

Why don't you ziplock your stupid mouth? No one aked you did they?? I knowwhat communism is and I see it everyday. Do you know what a Home Owner's Association is? It's a violation of Constitutional Rights within deny that this activity occurs within our political parties, special interest groups, committees, etc. If you are too blind to sad for you. You may like being a conformist but I don't!

Thanks for boring the fuck out of me!


Posted by Nevada Lights on Monday, May 14, 2007 at 6:22 PM
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