Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dear Rush Limbaugh - Let Me Explain MySelf

Dear Rush Limbaugh,
I heard what you said regarding supporting George Bush as a President. I respect that you are good friends with G.W., and that you support your friend on the Iraq War and his plans for many other things. I realize that you see a different person than I do.

I too support the war because I know we are truly battling an enemy that we will face now - or in the future. This War is a necessary evil. I realize this.

However Rush, I am upset at the fact that President Bush comes to the People and asks for our support on his endeavors for concern about the Iraqi people but he continues to ignore OUR concerns on the war on illegal immigration.

I see a pattern here with George Bush -

He refuses to pardon the two Border Patrol Agents who are wrongfully jailed for defending themselves against a KNOWN drug trafficker illegal mexican! Yet Bush pardoned drug dealers and other unlawful people while ignoring these agents.

This is just one example of his unpredictable behavior - which tells me he can't be trusted.

I mean, come on.....if the FRENCH realize the damage of immigration gone wild, why the hell can't the United States??? It's the French, folks...come one now! (A little jab at my French!)

If George Bush and the Republicans want ANYTHING from me, you politicians better listen to what I want!!

I want a lock down on the borders, I want illegals sent home and the immigration done right!

I want everything in English!

I want the LAWS of the United States upheld so our Nation is respected again Internationally.

I want Republicans working their asses off for the likes of me or YOU ARE FIRED!!

President Bush, Republicans - How can you justify a war in Iraq when you don't support the war that's going on here in the United States??

Domestic Terrorists - Vandals - Thieves - that's who you are supporting George Bush!

Stop trying to turn the U.S.A. into a 3rd world country!!!!!!

~ Samantha

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