The Damage of the Censorship Agenda Current mood: accomplished Category: Life
For those of you who don't know, there are people in the world who have made a business out of political gains and control over other people. It's the old "Rule the World" agenda compiled by any villain. The benefits of ruling the world is enjoying the money, the luxury, the power and any future benefits that might arise. THESE are the reasons behind the communist agenda in the United States and across the globe!
One primary way that communism rises to power is through censorship of the masses. This is something that is HIGHLY active in this Country and has been slowly taking place for generations.
In recent days I have been attacked for being white, a citizen of the United States of America and for having opinions. I have been attacked by people who would like to stop me from saying what I say - stop what I believe in and stop the truth!
Needless to say, I threw that shit right back up in their faces. And I wasn't shy about it.
This all has resulted in many emails from my friends, some white, some mexican, some black, some Asian. Some good, some bad replies. And I see that I have lost a few friends over the subject and that's fine. I'm here defending MY life and yours and if you don't have the strength to stand up for yourself, you can go ahead and thank people like me and the millions of others before who have done what I AM DOING now to protect what you NOW have and enjoy!!!
Not everyone has the dedication to be political and sometimes it gets to even ME! It's not easy to carry the burden of "being concerned" about the outcome of this Country!! It's tiring, negative, complicated, time consuming......but I feel that MY job as a free citizen of the United States, it is up to me to carry the true information of this Nation along and to try my best to educate my fellow Americans so they can make better choices for themselves. Together we make the U.S.A what it is! (Even the hippies - ew!, yes I know, but even they play a part!)
I'm a thinking person, I analyze EVERYTHING! I'm bound to say and do something controversial, offensive, rude, hateful, silly, queer, pointless, whatever......I'm a Human Being who THINKS! Thinking people are dynamic and productive, they function instead of just exist, it's part of being alive.
Censorship ends thinking, which ends productivity, which ends capitalism, which ends achievement, which is the end of FREE living for ALL Human Beings!
When you start trying to tell your fellow Human Beings what they can and cannot do - you are handing over your OWN Freedom to the control of others.
I WILL not be censored! I refuse! I refuse to allow any Government agency and I refuse to allow any fellow person to censor me. I'm sorry some of you are leaving but this is who I am. I'm sorry some of you think I don't "like" certain races or "kinds" of people - it's simply NOT true! I am TOTALLY, WHOLLY, 100% AGAINST illegal immigration to the United States!! I don't give one rats ass WHAT race they are!
Regarding the mexican population - very disappointing that they would be so opportunistic to try to screw over the Country that has given them everything! As a whole, I am not at all pleased with the illegal mexican agenda. Like 90% of this Country, I'm fed up with it! It has to end!!
I don't hate any of you, I'm not deleting people (unless they act stupid) and stop being afraid of me. I'm not a monster - I'm just a mean woman. (Haha, maybe that means monster to some of you guys.)
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