Tuesday, May 29, 2007

California portion of the March for America.

California portion of the March for America.
Category: Life

Just a reminder that we WILL be meeting again this Monday evening, May 21st, at 6:00pm in Roseville, California to continue planning and discussion regarding the California portion of the March for America.

The location will remain the same as the previous two meetings. If you will be attending for the first time, please contact us for directions.

Now is the time to step up! With the recent agreement on amnesty, there's no time for our members and supporters to rely solely on simple phone calls or faxes. We need you to stand with us on the streets. We need the movement to become visible. It's time to match the efforts of the illegals and for all American citizens to step outside their air conditioned doors to defend this country from it's path toward third world status.

If you live in Northern California , please attend this meeting and it's absolutely imperative that you participate in the June 16th event.

To RSVP and for directions: contact us by replying to this email, or by phone at 916-553-6202.

This meeting will start at exactly 6:00pm , so please be on time!

American Citizens First will be holding an organizational meeting on Monday, May 21st to discuss strategy for the California portion of the March for America . We will then be holding regular meetings each Monday, from now until the event on June 16th.

This meeting will be held in Roseville, California.
Please RSVP for exact location and directions.

Please be extremely aggressive in attempting to bring new members on board.

All anti-illegal alien groups and individual supporters are encouraged to have representation at this meeting, and at all future meetings.


Please forward this email to as many "like minded" citizens as possible.

Please RSVP to Gregor at 916-553-6202. It's important that we have an idea how many people will be in attendance, for facility purposes. Please leave us your full name, along with the group you represent - if any - and some type of contact info.

You may also RSVP by email at ACFPAC@yahoo.com.

**Fighting for the rights of American Citizens**

American Citizens First

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